Dr. Moazziz Ali Beg
Substance and brilliance never had a better definition than him, nor could have a journey found a better destination than his. But still, among the folds of deep
wrinkles, and the glimmering depths of experienced eyes, Dr. Moazziz Ali Beg beholds unrest, a zeal, a passion to give this society more, and more.
Dr. Beg instigated his journey as a 20 year old teacher of psychology at the Aligarh Muslim University, in 1954.
Today, 52 years later, Dr.Beg is still an ambitious man. He is working for a cause which has been the bane of our times, he is working for a communally secure and riot free India. Dr. Beg has been an active speaker and writer on the concern of communalism, and his books, 'the ideological Integration of the east and the west: An inquiry concerning world peace', and 'The spiritual routes of national Integration' hold magnum opus status in the field of communal dialogue.
"Besides having been figured in esteemed journals like the Asia's who is Who; New Delhi, Who's who of contemporary achievement; USA, and International Leaders in Achievement; England, Dr. Beg has held many important posts and positions. He has been a member of the UP legislative assembly, has held the presidentship of the Urdu Academy and the chairman ship of the department of psychology at the AMU", Says His wife, Dr. Sangeeta Sharma Beg.
Dr. Beg's family history goes back to the time of the Battle of Buxar when his ascendants came to India from Iran. His grandfather Mirza Irfan Ali Beg was one of the few Indians privileged with the Companion of the Imperial Service Order. However, his father a staunch nationalist refused to serve the British. In 1947 when the partition took place, Dr. Beg unlike most of his family members, decided to stay back, it was the love for his motherland that held him back, and years later it is the same cause which has him operating on his present mission of communal integration.
"It is sad that from time to time a handful of people with selfish political motives attempt to incite us on communal grounds, and it is worse that we get carried off so easily" says Dr. Beg.
Dr. Beg's Puphijaan Roshan Jahan became the first Muslim woman to go all alone to England for higher education in 1926 and later on served as the principle of one of the well known colleges of the city. She happened to be an inspirational element in the academician that is Dr. Beg. A topper in M.A (psychology), at the Aligarh Muslim University, he has to his acclaim 60 research papers printed world wide. His work has been honored by such leaders of 20th century thought as P.A Sorokin of Havard University, F.S.C Northrop of Yale University Munford of MIT University.Besides, he has been invited for delivering lectures at globally reputed universities like University of California and University of Munich.
"I think destiny has placed with me everything I sought. To see a communally united system is my last dream, and I will pursue this dream till the end. It's a pity that our resources, our youth is wasted in such futile issues of communal base, we as Indians have a long way to go, before we rest, and we could least afford to waste ourselves in communal paradoxes". When asked about his stand on religion, he tells us that he and his wife Dr.Sangeeta are Sufis and he quotes Daag:-
Is India listening?
Sitaron Se Aage Jahan Aur Bhi Hain
Abhi Ishq Ke Imtehan Aur Bhi Hain
Tu Shaheen Hain, Parvaz Hai Kaam Tera,
Tere Samne Aasman Aur Bhi Hain.
Substance and brilliance never had a better definition than him, nor could have a journey found a better destination than his. But still, among the folds of deep

Dr. Beg instigated his journey as a 20 year old teacher of psychology at the Aligarh Muslim University, in 1954.
Today, 52 years later, Dr.Beg is still an ambitious man. He is working for a cause which has been the bane of our times, he is working for a communally secure and riot free India. Dr. Beg has been an active speaker and writer on the concern of communalism, and his books, 'the ideological Integration of the east and the west: An inquiry concerning world peace', and 'The spiritual routes of national Integration' hold magnum opus status in the field of communal dialogue.
"Besides having been figured in esteemed journals like the Asia's who is Who; New Delhi, Who's who of contemporary achievement; USA, and International Leaders in Achievement; England, Dr. Beg has held many important posts and positions. He has been a member of the UP legislative assembly, has held the presidentship of the Urdu Academy and the chairman ship of the department of psychology at the AMU", Says His wife, Dr. Sangeeta Sharma Beg.
Dr. Beg's family history goes back to the time of the Battle of Buxar when his ascendants came to India from Iran. His grandfather Mirza Irfan Ali Beg was one of the few Indians privileged with the Companion of the Imperial Service Order. However, his father a staunch nationalist refused to serve the British. In 1947 when the partition took place, Dr. Beg unlike most of his family members, decided to stay back, it was the love for his motherland that held him back, and years later it is the same cause which has him operating on his present mission of communal integration.
"It is sad that from time to time a handful of people with selfish political motives attempt to incite us on communal grounds, and it is worse that we get carried off so easily" says Dr. Beg.
Dr. Beg's Puphijaan Roshan Jahan became the first Muslim woman to go all alone to England for higher education in 1926 and later on served as the principle of one of the well known colleges of the city. She happened to be an inspirational element in the academician that is Dr. Beg. A topper in M.A (psychology), at the Aligarh Muslim University, he has to his acclaim 60 research papers printed world wide. His work has been honored by such leaders of 20th century thought as P.A Sorokin of Havard University, F.S.C Northrop of Yale University Munford of MIT University.Besides, he has been invited for delivering lectures at globally reputed universities like University of California and University of Munich.
"I think destiny has placed with me everything I sought. To see a communally united system is my last dream, and I will pursue this dream till the end. It's a pity that our resources, our youth is wasted in such futile issues of communal base, we as Indians have a long way to go, before we rest, and we could least afford to waste ourselves in communal paradoxes". When asked about his stand on religion, he tells us that he and his wife Dr.Sangeeta are Sufis and he quotes Daag:-
(Sometimes I desire for Kaaba, at other times for the lane of idols,I don't know where I actually belong)
Kaabey ki hai hawas, kabhi kouney buthan ki hai,
Mujhko khaber nahi meri mitti kahan ki hai.
Is India listening?